New Zealand's jubilee 1840—1890 (2024)

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New Zealand's jubilee 1840—1890 (1)[...]) a Newspaper,


WILSONS & HORTON, Publishers,
New Zealand Herald and Auckland Weekly News Of[...]

New Zealand's jubilee 1840—1890 (2)[...]& ESTATE AGENT:

-_- 81, QUEEN. STREET,


New Zealand's jubilee 1840—1890 (3)[...]Ap. (Be

= ‘
Before ordering Labels and Séationery r
send for Samples and


New Zealand's jubilee 1840—1890 (4)» “

. II, s ADVERTIsem*nTS.[...]per week.’

. Wet nir, 108.) or if booked, 12s. 6d. per quarter. sat nosthe
“a 6d. Gepitiona,[...]: PRICE = TWOPENCE,

ats Annual orn post paid, 4s: 6p.
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a wil sons & HORTON, Propn[...]

New Zealand's jubilee 1840—1890 (5)[...]anil Weekly News,
a te Au a8 te 240 Ws Ye ‘ ;

/s the largest and best A eribsliiat een and ya Settler's
é Se ‘ Famtily Newser in the Colony. , ") “[...]5 ae a Ses eXe:. *

POULTRY FANCIER, CATTLE AND HO S[...]the authorised Calendar for all Clubs in | rth
of New Zealand, ". 9 ad
cow tnannnge U 2

Terms (in advance), 225, 6d. per Annum, or 6s. eset” * ]
f Booked, 6s. 6d. per Quarter, in the Colony. + q
* a ;

Are the o[...]printed and folded a . . j
by MESSRS. HOE & CO.’S WEB MACHINERY, fom reels of F paper, run o[...]

New Zealand's jubilee 1840—1890 (6)[...]SS&
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New Zealand's jubilee 1840—1890 (7)[...]T, AUCKLAND,


New Zealand's jubilee 1840—1890 (8)[...]- .- £10 to £75
Pianos from - - £20 to £126

New Shipments

iving Every Month,[...]S. | r
ee Model - = 3210 0 aittleGam - - . . 2% 0
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New Iron Overstrung Piano - 4000 New Model, 10 stops - - 200
High-class CottageGrand -[...],

Pianos can be purchased on Hire. System from 20s, a month.
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New Zealand's jubilee 1840—1890 (9)ADVERTIsem*nTS. Vil.

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Trousers 10 Measure | 18s. 6d., 20s.


YY SAT ERSSa or Qe Le[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (10)[...]HH ANN NOK

120, Queen Street,


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~ A. ITD =e


Ct oo: sad

sat o@

Au New and Popular Styles in Ladiss
and Gentlemen's Garments received
Seo Se: CLA TT.[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (11)Qtew Beatans’s Subitee,

18420- 1890,



New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (12)[...]assey Uniy ersity

aL zs ~ ‘
New Zealand i. *
* - °
+ = >
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New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (13)NEW ZEALAND’S JUBILEE, 1840-1890. e



satures of the nine-
teenth century[...]The navigator’s accounts of New Zealand
re too well known by all readers of his
a[...]s led to the formation of the
penal settlement in New South Wales, to
which we have already referred. F[...]f Aus
In 1788 European communication with
New Zealand became frequent by the exten-
sion of the South Sea w: ale fishery to the
New Zealand coast, and the anxiety of com-
mercial me[...]that in the three years
ending 1817, one hundred New Zealanders
were slain by Europeans in the immedia[...]afforded by this our

lous expandir
colony of New Zealand, founded here fifty
wars ago, whose jubil[...]EW ZEA y men on board, stranded at Poverty and «
New pe Lan, all the crew excepting John Rutherford we[...]uel Marsden, the
senior chaplain of the colony of New South
Wales, met Hongi Hika, the great Ngapubi s
chief, who had accompanied his cousin, Rua.
ing at intervals; and in 1801 settlement at
New South Wales had increased to about
5500 souls, At[...]Australasia 7 od
colonies had ae but slight, and New Ze: Marsden, accompanied by Messrs. endall, —
l[...]covered Hall, and King, their wives, several me- -s
in 1642 by Abel Jansen Tasman, the latter[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (14)*

New Zealand’s Jubilee, 1840-1890.


stations were formed
u W[...]n
Europeans, to procure
powder and lead. The erst
s became valued friends and
raduaily European settl[...]d,
and 1826 one hundred settlers
ently settled in New Zealand
were one hundred white
ed at Kororareka,[...]lection with Kororareka it must
gotten that here New Zealznd re-
the first act of official recognition[...]ever, served still more clearly to fe
pendence of New Zealand. te 1834
to have

urchase, in

orth Islan[...]f anol
ederation of chief,
R. Bourke, Governor of New
he transmitted to ¢h English
bent & proposal for[...]ving |
I a and declared to be the “ Nati
lag Of New Zealand,” this flag was hoi
at the Bay of Islan[...]Wellington in
tion with r n

amation of England’s sovereignty at
of Islands on 29th Janu
place in New Zealand, neither Kororarek
»y far the oldest in[...]that they found a
gigantic birds in Aotearoa, as New
uled by them.

‘e is also a general cons[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (15)[...], and fencing o*


= Cook had a boat’s crew eaten in 1774; Marion


ore eA TUNA[...]name among the earlier visitors to the shores
of New Zealand was not so much their repa-
tation for fe[...]rience of this dreadful practice. One of
Tasman’s sailors was eaten in 1642: Captain

du Fresne, an[...]ss to

the universal prevalence of cannabalism in
New. Zealand up to year 1842. These
oamuatie p[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (16)[...]th, in ep early days of Auckland.

wn as Soldier's eink mer vor


only in the[...]ng “ies oe striking proofsfof this

New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

ommenenestnnnmye enema
ur ny[...]ck was

But of all the curses with which New
land was afflicted, in the era immedia
preceding[...]the construction of a vocabula
and grammar of the New Zealand lang
and created a favourable impression[...]ed that at least
lives were sacrificed in Hongi’s great ral
between the years 1822 and 1827, and he
behind him the fame of having been
greatest warrior that New Zealand had

The last great intertriba[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (17)[...]place and
Banks’ Peninsula. In Queen Charlotte's
Sound, in Cloudy Bay, on the Island of
Kapiti, and at other places in Cook's Strait,
were large whaling establishments. On the[...]f coast. ‘Three hundred
whalers were settled in New Zealand in
1840—men, as we have before stated,[...]icial in-
fluence on the aboriginals, by creating new
wants and introducing new customs, ivery-
thing used by them was coveted by[...]mong the

pioneer settlers,

The Early Days of New Zealand.[...]lant a
belonging to natives” to the Governor of New
South Wales, and to the Secretary of the =
Church[...]might be appointed trustees for all the lands
of New Zealand, in order to “ preserv
from the intrigu[...]ate as 1860, we find a writer in
the long defunct New Zealand Magazine
stating of the ‘Aucklan[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (18)New Zealana’sNew
having been written some
despatch of the Aurora with
‘of company’s emigrants to Port

r claimants for the honour of[...]sail
all party of subordinate officers for
in TLM.s. Herald, on vhé 19th

Pe at the Bay of Islands[...]self, Al-
ap Aurora, with certain eni-
out by the New Zealand Company,
‘ort Nicholson on the 22nd Jan[...]nt already existed at =

Moreover, as against the New

Company being colonising body, it

to state that[...]amation of the colony

= yet many

Britisheolony, New 4

within its bounds. 1 wa
anded[...]and originally
intended to fix his capital at the s} ‘
occupied by the town of Russell.

was, hoy f[...]ewise lying at anchor in #
harbour. Her Majesty’s health was drunk
the foot of the flagsta

i hree[...]ion of Auckland, the Wakefields and
agents of the New Zealand Association
rting the Governor should hav[...]apital there. The early volumes of
reports of the New Zealand Association
mainly taken up with these sq[...]ears. His body lies in Auckland
and in St. Paul’s Church, lately
molished, stood) » marble tablet[...]THE PILGRIM FATHERS.
was established, but there
i s, many difficulties


moment of its
+ establishment in preference
or Van Dieman’s Land for~

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (19)é


The Early Days of New Zealand 7

wm Mi

Lord Normanby, ina despatch Yet[...]nly as much enjoyed, as
Shall not be exten led to New i ealand. fubernatorial Bir iday Ball of to-day,[...]tood as a fundamental = 2 7 Sqr SALES

ipl te the new colony that no convict 2 BARLY STRUGGUNS)
prineip[...]uld legally purchase
Phat * there are no taxes in New Zealand, nor = land from the natives after 1840.[...]irect from the natives, on the
purchaser paying 10s an acre to the Govern-
ment. But this was looked[...]et,
go dense in fact, that in order to find one’s
way through it, it was necessary to take the
Hear[...]in covered with villas an i lens. Here ay

men’s jack boots; their would-be partners— shed four[...]the 3 om Uneasy zee ante FounE I Gn rie Se.
Queen's representative on_the occasion of On the Hth N ey[...]nd. la

Ww roy i
wien ol Woe mravity by the Queen's Attorney- — quAntilies of wheat, rice, sugar, a[...]en came & war-dance. 1c ‘eatest

Co Oa aan Gray's “Long tition of the sort that Auckland a[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (20)[...]occasion in question

compelled to become spec-

s Mr. Swainson says—

equalled in the uncivilised[...]d yelling into the arena, the
ntly thought that a New Zealand
was more honoured in the breach
é observ[...]Two hundred
‘aud men of influence returned th
"s visit, and requested that the:
uld he seeured to[...]ne ran to arms,
officers and men of Her Majesty’s ship Ha
landed, andall remained in attitudes of d[...]into play in the early days of the e
insation of New Zealand have passed a)
even to their very memory,[...]en and mission:

overnment immigrants and Company's
tlers, now work together as one harm
whole, all e[...]e been considered and cared for as t
have been in New Zealand. :

It is far too general an opini[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (21)[...]tanding on the look-out, post of lofty Te
Ranga’s pa. He strains his eyes, peering in

direct[...]nded in the Bay of Islands,
bearing Her Maje8ty’s Commission as Lieu-
tenant-Governor of New Zealand. He had
taken the nec: ry oaths of office[...]ver-
not before Sir George Gipps, the Governor of
New Sonth Wales, as New Zealand had
been included in the domain of New South
Wales on the 15th day of June, 1839, by
letters patent under the Great Seal. He was
accompanied to New Zealand in H.M.S,
Bersid by five civilians and five troopers of
the Mounted Police foree of New South
Wales. There were about 4000 British and
Eu[...]clusive of the 204 officers and immigrants
of the New Zealand Land Company, who
had been sent to Wellin[...]seaboard of
ands, from the North Cape to Stewart's
Island, though the principal grouping of the
Pe w[...]and,

Those who resided in the Middle and
Stewart's Islands were almost wholly em-
ployed in whaling[...]1839, by which the boundaries i
of the colony of New South Wales were

A Summary o[...]we turn to the country we are reminded of
Shelley's lines—

“Where the startled wilderness beheld[...]vidence before us of the great-
ness of England’s colonising power, and of its
enormous expansion i[...]ed so as_to embrace and
comprehend the islands of New Zealand in
the South Seas; and the other dated th[...]illiam Hobson, Esquire, cay
tain in Her Majesty’s Royal Navy,” to
Lieutenant-Governor “oyer such parts of
the Islands of New Zealand as should be
ceded to Her Majesty in sove[...]ious to the establishment of British
authority in New Zealand by the arrival of
Captain Hobson, a considerable trade
New South Ww. 8, reat pita,
America prevailed. ‘The[...]istics have never yet been obtained,
and those-of New South Wales only par-
tially. The exports consist[...],
from 1823 to 1832, the value of the to
and from New South Wales was as <

os aeoe
And fr 1835 to 1839, inclusive— ie

at s Se aes hg

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (22)Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1 890.


of the export trade of
time, went to England

Hiure from the mission stations
s menting the coast
were no hare ae

The sperm and[...]northern portion of

while at Mana and Kapiti

m New South Wales had

he and cattle stations.

of rse[...]of persons who may
desirous of taking up land in New Zealal
at the same rates as are required to be
to the 3lst December, 1888, has
£2,109,972 11s 9d, 3

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (23)[...]ce the foundation of the
Folony, more people left New Zealand by
emigration then came into it by the nu[...]l the British colonies in the
Fomain of the Crown New Zealand is without
doubt the most pleasant and ea[...]countries.


The revenue the Government of New Zea
land obtained from the sale of Crown lands
wa[...]alised some £21,500;
while the land sales of the New Zealand
Company to July, 1850, realised no less than
£360,500. Among other land sharks, the New
Zealand Land Company was entitled to exult
at its[...]ce of the Crown, “Alone among
British colonies, New Zealand had no lands
to sell but what were first[...]10

Hawke's Ba;
Nelson... is

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (24)Whi

Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1 890.


are taken from those[...]leaned that cannot
rs fol .

‘had been built in New Zea-

‘of the country before Cap-
arrival. The[...]haps, it may be pertinent to
-sealsking caught in New Zea-
gang who built the“ Pro-
5 ‘ky Bay was p[...]cutter of some 50 tons
built on Queen Charlotte’s Sound
Love,” the father of the half-
i the same name at Picton, and
the Wellington harbour for years

he New Zealand pompeny sent out

immigrants; while another was

tod Sack at Stewart’s Island,
ence by aman named Ma

van her to Welling[...]a-year entered


of Islands, but until the New .
ee eds are obtained by the Governmen
from New pause els ah interesting field
inquiry is under l[...]uthorities at Port Jackson, when °
sels built in New Zealand traded to Brit
ports. As New Zealand at that time was n
regarded as a B tish c[...]nd se

ected as a national emblem by the chiefs 1
New Zealand, nor could they trade betw
Port Jackson and New Zealand while owne
py British subjects, without b[...]culty, however, was
vid of by the adoption of the New Zeal:


‘Xiter 1840 vessels were built ab[...]ished in
ed to the volume of sta

his ‘Story of New Zealand,” which, he say
“is stated by Sir Geo[...]d Kingdom, or any British posse
in America, or of New South Wales, or ¥V
Diemen’s Land, per gallon, 5s; spirits,
strong waters, being the produce of

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (25)[...]soods the produce and manutacture of
5, om, or of New South Wales,
; Land), for every £100 in[...]ND WOOL.

nal stock of sheep in this colony

from New South
re_ the fir:

Jales. ‘The
M oxi[...]was on the
island in 1839, states how Mr. Bell’s widow,
quite mad, lived among the natives, and ha[...]t at a late feast some fifty had been
New South Wales herself started her herds
and flocks[...]into Australia, which, con-
sidering the sheep of New Zealand came
thence, cannot be without interest t[...]=

A Summary of History.


at Sydney, and on leaving Port Jackson t[...]ed 1.
guineas a head for the whole lot.

With the new and valuable blood of the
pure merino, which Capt[...]ew. aur
of the rams, however, died on the passage
New South Wales, where he found his breed-
ing flock[...]xpect to be uj
a t of

Be rane

Wool is the
combing wool
comprises the
breeds of[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (26)New Zealand’s Jubilee, 1840-1890.

7 lish sheep.

+ breed[...]of over 26 bushels
p e, and over 32 bushels of
es New Zealand in the position
the most prolific countri[...]eno:
5 mgland. . . . . In the
of its oats, again, New Zealand is in
rank. The samples of potato oats
ur sable. . . . In all the chief
New Zealand has shown b. these
fee ection of superb q[...]hornd

2 What must strike ever, student

ountry’s wonderful power o adaptin,
ttly (ste) to suit the[...]t swelled to 4:

Indeed, the most hop I
Zealand’s future is the wonderful elastic
of herr Show her[...]87

an object of diligent native manufael
No New Zealand trade was so full of h


of his losing

among whom he lived. The Customs ret

of New South Wales of 1828 give sixty ta
valued at £260[...]th
flax trade made in the aggregate 56 voyage
to New Zealand. The export in 1831

At Grimsby.
manufact[...]nd fibre.
Sir James Hector in his “‘ Handbool
New Zealand” writes : “From 1858'to I

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (27)[...]It was stated some time since on good
rity that New ax was being ex-
cultivated in the Azores Islands[...]se ci
c*mstance h may be only of an
ephemer er, & new and increasing
use has been found for the fibre o[...]onditions for twine-makin,
markably well. While a new use has been
found for the phormium, machinery ha[...]to 1880.
1881 to 1888...


Value in £’s.



Tn order t[...]GOLD

Gold, Dr. Hector writes, was discovered i.
New Zealand in 1842, less than nieekiea
from the foun[...]ation,

In June 1861, gold was found at Gabriel’s
Gully in Otago, and when the first escort took
aw[...]Lake goldfields were
soon opened after Gabriel’s ully, and the
population of Otago, which in 1860[...]ds of the colony. A
late writer on the history of New Zealand
remarks of this district :—“It is dif[...]om the richness

2 of the early claims, which ey, s paeahet
e six owners

from a few well-known facts.

= of “ Hunt's,” one of the first claims taken up,

obtained 2[...]the fortunate share-

From New Zealand from Ist April, 1857, to
end of th[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (28)New Zealand's

aii am

ally an Auckland

is the turpentine o!

lweigl . & lntge ae
> gumfiel is 80!

ly for New York

itis generally carried in
ndon, for

‘it[...],414 1,877,359
1. 49,972 2,492,386
e from New Zealand is
u although there is no

i after th[...]sky =
jously obtained eotamiendation :

Marsden’s time (1814), the timber

h, handeut by the native[...]common in Sydney.
le havy sent two store ships to New
to load with spars for topmasts
; Captain Deléit[...]to th
a in 1825, the timber trade between
ud and New South Wales expanded

ae ear Se Bee back[...]-tound
hope exists that the future of coal minin:
New Zealand will be the source of g
jvealth to the wh[...]h navy used south of the Equator’
be drawn from New Zealand; and that
Southern Imperial coaling stati[...]t of the Middle Island 20 per ee
better than best New South Wales 66
for steam purposes. Until petroleu[...]on
the products of the fishery were not expe
from New Zealand, but must have gol
New South Wales, and that whal

gn count took their c[...]om Wellington alone
oil, while 230 tons went from New
to Port Jackson. early in 184)
can and oth[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (29)[...]ses, And, though
edible fish swarm all around the New Zea-
land coast (several known varieties not yet[...]he letter, though the pre-
sent acting-Premier of New Zealand, the fon.
Mr. Mitchelson, was among the p[...]-
diture figures are taken from the Comp-
troller's balance-sheets of the colony, com-
mencing as the[...]lier years
comprise advances by the Government of New
South Wales, und receipts from the Imperial
Treas[...]issued by
the Registrar-General from Dr, Thomson's
“Story of New Zealand”—the Registrar-
General in a memorand[...]ffice, amount. to
£207,240, whereas in Thomson’s tables they
are set down as £1 ee ali Parliamen-[...]iture returns prior to
1874 in the trar-General’s statistical
summary, and thor there are re[...]
New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (30)[...]untry”), are only computed as being wor

some 10s'an acre, whereas in New South
ales the unalie dC

Puted as being worth |

of the public wealth in “The W

Ptogress af New South Wal

wader the Government auspices,[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (31)Jubilee, 1840-1890.

er cane wT AAT
sans i

te ex ort This Bank was founded in Auc[...]be called ap 9
yw ground for — 44 follows :—2s 6d per share on application, —
amphle the — 17s 6d on signing the deed of settlement, and
butter, an %s a share after signing the deed, and the
ed to Sir[...]. E, M. Glashan and John
et eae J ree For Hawke’s Bay : Mr. J. Watt. For
peiporten, facture, pro- M[...], that the bank
: te < Tn 1835 we tablishments in New Zealand have deri
foreign manufacture in mmense p[...]fit invizorating substi whether the colonists of New Zealand are not
, on to state how a house was now[...]en known as the capital o
in exchange for Pierian New Zealand. An equal number was re-
New Zealand beer. That = served for London, where a b[...]t an early date. All
fessrs. Brown and Campbell’s the shares that were allotted to Sydney were
dist[...]at Welling:
ton and Nelson on 15th January in the new[...]ra

six banks doing business in New
with the following paid - up[...]fRetSatasia (43°
outh Wales

New Zenland (Ltd.) ».

uk of New Zealand... by
ts, assets, and liabilities in the[...]Deposits. Assets, Liabilit's.
Zealand ees :

ey 1038 7,125,420 4,767,79[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (32)A Summary of History. =

the formation of a reserve fund,
s carried for-
$ account.

rried to
carrie? 9 13s, the balance,
ard to open the profit and le
withe[...]d of 10 per cent, per annum
paid, and a bonus of 7s per share on a

pital paid up of £500,000, being[...]10 per cent. per annum was paid, and a
bonus of 5s a share on the capital of £500,000,
the reserve fund standing at £150,000.

. The year following, 10,000 new shares were
issued at £3 premium, which increase[...]ber meeting of 1872, when the
nus was reduced to 2s 6d per share, and
this rate of bonus obtained for[...]the increases being provided for by the issue
of new shares at oe premium and the accu-
mulation of pr[...]75,000,
the merease to ¢a being premiums on
2500 new shares issued to the Fiji Banking
Company, while[...]vidend of 10 per cent.
is paid, and the bonus of 5s a share. In
October, 1879, the Bank’s capital is made a
million less £19,700, the par[...]d-
dition was announced to commemorate the
Bank’s attaining its majority, which the pre-

dent stat[...]of £25,000 to our reserve
fund, and to open the new half-year with a
balance of £8,900 10s 4d.

Up to the October meeting of 1886 the
usual dividend and bonus were paid when
only 2s 6d a share bonus was declared ins
of 5s through, the chairman said, the Bank
“having su[...]ten down to £7 per £

atin Saw jini Enea a0
000 new

25,000 new shares, £7 each paid up.

yt £1,125,000[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (33)Vew Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.


Act of the
ears authorised

| ; and t[...]son, Right Hon. L

and Mr. Geo. Cowie is

s established in London in
/ nd in 1873, and is in-[...]Richard Maxwell is the

tary, The head office in New

is medin, and the general
is Mr. William Dymock.[...]t standing to the credit of
h account being £24 4s 10d. The
and 1886 were the less prosperous,
exces[...]ablished at the places

d, in the years mentioned s—Auckland,




«1 1847; New Plymouth, in 1850; Nelson, in
i eT Non, in, 1864;[...]ferent banks as follow :—Auckland, £471,057 5
New Plymouth, £6270; Napicr, £10,230;
4 tika, £10,[...]Forsaith,
J. I. Montefiore, J. th, A. Kennedy,
W. S. Grahame, A. Sinc! (Colonial Seere-

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (34)[...], and the Bank was com- = nitude of the company’s operations,
ise some of its securities in = the f[...]r Austi
where the children led. In 1880 the hours New Zealand head office in_
for banking were made fro[...]ered it expedient to concentrating the cont
erect new premises. Board, thus dispensing

In 1857 and 185[...]ng were
injured by a fire, and as before stated a new
building was decided to be erected, and pre-
mium[...]REIGN BANKS.

The Foreign Banks doing business in New
Zealand are the Banke of Australasia, New
South Wales, Union Bank of Australia, each
of whi[...]the prin-

cipal centres of the colony. r


New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (35)Ww Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.
amin . ; imarmaonanncuet a um[...]foreign insurance companies operating
BEANS. . in New Zealand fc a Sane following,
with the head office[...].. 3 844400
The Nquitable T 4

INSURANCE. tion of New Zealand ve 2,472 50,941

' The Equitable Life Ass[...]of Australa aA 92,772
establishment, can be = The New York Life Insurance
; who is Te orted Company ..[...]Policies. Assured.
nies was severcly presen, and s Mutual Provident ., 14,432 £4,630,531
lect of gi[...]d.
enka the ea) panes care The pioneer company in New Zealand is —
es ined £ Pre! ol Te, the Austral[...]e-
ing business in a small office over a grocer’s
of the scheme have been 2 shop in George-street, Sydney, this society’s
ia The security offered business for t[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (36)of the, secre

sty included New Zealand in its

ayo this 80° i Beh ia
ago of[...]elf
& strict attention to sound business, and
the New Zealand business of this company

ewity[...]in their order, the
next to commence business in New Zealand
asthe Mutual Life Association of Austral-[...],
Me. W. I. J. Bell. Tt has erected magnifi-
cent new offices in Queen-street, and is now
vigorously ex[...]mpany has a wider
jopularity in Australia than in New Zea-
find, the majority of its business being held
there, New Zealand only contributing a
small proportion of t[...]f this company are located at
Wellington, and the New Zealand branch
is under the control of Mr, 8, G.[...]d now po: es the
third large: in the colony.

The s to the ranks consist of
the two mammoth American companies, the
New York Life and the Equitable Com-
panies, with who[...]98, total funds
being £2,865,409, and the annual new busi-
ness transacted last year £2,065,985, near[...]ummary of History. a5



‘icc M NRHN


,The New Zealand Accident Insurance
Company was establishe[...]siness of the Accident In-
surance Association of New Zealand. The
company has a total eapital of £100[...]is in Auckland, and there are agencies
throughout New Zealand and Australia.
The directors are—Messrs[...]is Mr. P. A. Edmiston.


‘This is a Fire and[...]lington, Christchurch,
Dunedin, Napier, Wanganui, New Plymouth,
Nelson, Blenheim, Invercargill. There a[...]Oa ee . G. Johnston, and the
fecal manager Mr. A. S. Russell.
is is a fire an[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (37)Zealand’s Jubilee, 1840-1890.
ea inatiaenionml

samnnncnnam[...]ham is manager of
mch, Messrs. Cuff and
of oar oe
s, Stead and Co. managers o}the
ranch, and Mr. Jame[...]orporation of the


iy, the head office of which is
hag for[...]d Adelaide, as well as in all the
} and towns of New Zealand,
in all districts. Mr. F
nager of the Auc[...]foreign insurance offi
business in the colony :

New Zealand manager, Mr. C.

3 Dunedin; Victoria (Fir[...]ury, Otago,
and Auckland “are affiliated to the New.
Zealand University, which is an examining
body h[...]to confer degrees and to
grant scholarships. The New Zealand Uni-~
versity, which has a Royal C[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (38)[...]Seeing in value from £4 to £52 10s pe’ ae a paid as funeral donations,
—rangi ,[...]tendance and Teale

s institutions, the charge for whom, The events we[...]January, 1839, and, with the exception ¢

£27 10s per pupil, 82 of w he has beenin New Zealand ever since,
years of age. Of this amount,[...]total number of undergraduates on the = in God’s acre in Symonds-street, the city
books of the New Zealand University, Ist Auckland his monument, It[...]ts amounted to £306,312. ae saa diftiguih aint
y s at the end of the year amounted inhabited | 7
980[...]nds, &c., amounted to £742,191; — Knowledge Ci s

those to depositors,[...]e of the assets of these
Societies was £383,515 9s 2d, equivalent to
£15 7s 8d per member. Of the total assets
the value of t[...]to £339,614 Os 10d, an in-
crease of £43,946 18s 7d on the value of these |

funds a[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (39)ee Dice Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

noone wn MTNA

De[...]coast fromthe = }9.'at the general meeting, and 2s a month

e first resolution pro- = afterwards. Ha[...]Newmarket, Auck


of New Zealand or oe. land. A list of donations is appen[...]1
but if the person attacked — Alexander ray, 10s; Thos, Spicer, 10
in elt he was to be fined £1.[...]ohn pokes sf
reso! ided for Aines ohn Roberton, 10s; George Russell, 35
peas provide ee John Evans, 10s; James Jones, 10s; Hugl
MeLiver, 10s; George Hemmings, 10s; Davis
Salmon, 10s; Thos. Fairclough, 10s; J: n
i Mare 108; nee Se 10 a ‘.
“eki, or its vicinity, refuses to con- = Grenville, 10s: Wm. Jones, 10s; Thomas
peo en he not being Graham, 10s; Wm. Alexander, 10s ; Capi
‘the society, the members shall S[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (40)[...]assages in the well-
}mown novel ‘fom Cringle’s A short
fine after, for remarkable bravery,

ade[...]s again very actively employed,
In paying olf H.M.s. Scylla, to which vessel
he was removed, he was promoted to post-
captain. He then commanded H.M.s. Rattle.
snake, detached from the Mast India station
to New Zealand, and it was greatly owing to
the intellig[...]that the
British Government adopted the scheme of
New Zealand colonisation in which we areall


the it


The New Zealand Government Gazette,
sublished at Kororare[...]count of the decla-
ration of the independence of New Zealand,
and the appointment of His Excellency Ca[...]-

broker, and Gittos, Wesley
ig his Excellency’s com-
n-Chief in and over
Zealand, and Her
j in-Council for their separa-
tion from New South Wales. His el-
pleased to appoint Monday la[...]essrs,
Edney and Hemmings, on the beach, Mr,
Dunn's inn, York-street, Wood's Hotel, the
Printing-office, Captain Clayton's
Fenton’s, &e. The night was
“ur, the reflection of the r[...]ff without the
slightest accident”,


A party of gentlemen were entertained at[...]r thereabouts

it is stated, consisted of Mr.
son's own friends, “yet it was a
parely public dinner, and if was given by him
in honour of His Excellency’s appoimtment,
to be Governor-in-Chief of New Zealand.”
Mr. Thompson’s “‘ own friends at the purely
oublic dinner”[...]Colonial Seere-
tary and Other Public Officers in New Zea-
land,” to which Mr, Fitzgerald repl[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (41)Vew Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

yun[...]t of
eccne ‘off on t e 18 which is given in the New Zealand A
vious! vertiser and Bay ot Islands Gaze[...]irabl contested down 1
‘of the incidents of Old News crew were. m

Meeeared cx, pulica a Mr. = fatigued by getting her off the sandbank i

i s _ pulle yy the were not so great a distance from[...]coming in as when the

and got nearly six ship’s lengths ahead of |
adversary before she co[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (42)[...]ong which we! Ok aptain Hobson, and
Prosperity to New Zealand,” which was
drunk amidst loud applaus .[...]at “the company broke ap atan
early hour, after s _& very pleasant
day.” In the evening the Gover[...]t only to Ws
but to Ireland, for on St. Patrick’s Day an
Auckland regatta had to be got up under th[...]tel ; Watson i Hotel ; Crummer
and Phillipsthal’s, Victoria Hotel, and the
office of the New Zealand Herald.


. Wood's, Royal

ing. The New-
“On Monday | e
olonial existence, and—as
tab[...]f the inhabitants o} o
land and Manukau (says the New eae
Herald and Auckland Gazette, of November
27, 1841), held at Wood’s Royal Hotel, on the

rd November, 1841, W. Young,[...]take place on the Epsom Racecourse,
The first day's programme, January 5, 1841
was a “ big bill,”[...]d the course,
gentlemen riders. ‘Vhe second day's racing
consisted of Ladies’ Purse, Hurdla Race,[...]s for the races
were received at the Bank, Wood’s
Hotel, Watson’s Exchange Hotel, Hill’s Yew
Tree Inn, Mason and Paton’s auction mart,
and at the office of the Auckland P[...]t the same in 1841 as in 1890—
were at Watson’s Exchange Hotel.


The anniversary races, 1849, are thus ad-
vertised in the New Zealander, of coe 24,
1849: —‘* Anniversary o[...]dden by, aborigines—catch weights.
second day’s events comprised the
tan Plate, Hack Race,[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (43)New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.


ina oi

to their[...]ly involving anything whieh
taken by Mr. Codlin’s ba, gelding Jack ; and should offend the most fas[...]e 58th, who had The advertisem*nt of the regatta 1s heade
extensive leave, %© conducted themselves i[...]: regatta of 1842 expanded in the regatta’
year's protest in favour of a regatta instead 1850 to tw[...]been discredited from a pub:
lished letter in the New Zealander by th
Rey. Thos. Buddle,in which he say[...]a

weight. ‘The race was eventually won

ard’s Gussey- The Innkeepers
ne ene a ater Bates were both taken
Mr. Hinrgroaye's grey geliling, Zaccho,,
y tea Jorrocks’, junior[...]ere editor and devotes

irteen lines to the day’s races, or one more
a his chief. He says:— “ Yesterday's
faces afforded great sport. The Metropoli-
tan Plate was taken by Mr, Crummer's bay
mare Verjuice, the only real blood that
showe[...]else hopelessly behind.
was won by Mr. Young's Alderman.
Garrison Plate by that capital gelding[...]Jerry; gigs, by Colon
: watermen’s boats, by All
Jo Peragi’s British Queen : dingies, by
arr’s Alert ; duck and drake race, W
the duck, A[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (44)[...]first,
but to that under the direction of Kawau’s
son Reuiti, it being the only one that had
rounde[...]n the
tenth anniversa: —* With this morn-
ing’s dawn we ha eturn of the day on
which ‘the shado[...]egati


The following year’s regatta (1851) was re-
markable for oné or two f[...]gma beat
Uaioe YS, Sandily and Captain” Daldy’s
nion. There was no watermen’s race, the
Tphearance of a new and beautiful boat,
hion (Lan gley’s) causing them to throw up
onse: tu the watermen’s boats race
Wat, sculls) the Union beat Wright's
ee tte and Hawke’s Nancy. In _ the
or hint S88 boats or boats working
a eo not under six tons,[...]ons

Only one open cargo boat (Mr. ‘Hendarson’s
John and Rebecca) had the hardihood to try
ier po[...]he Four -oared Gig
Ace (amateurs) was exciting, a new gig,
S7phy having been built bye Waltanee,
Club for the[...]ibed :—“It was a magnificent
one, and such as New Zealand only could
show, Five large and powerful[...]of the leading chief (Te Whero-
whero, Tawhiao’s father), as with dilated
nostrils, arms ou[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (45)[...]eir prize
ay. ‘In subsequent regattas the canoe
s fell into desuetude or were poor affairs,
owing t[...]uft and tassel plumy,
Down of gannet—Sea-king’s feather—
Gaily-waving, snowy-flecking,
Every de[...]s shadowed wer
Like volleys fired above a soldier's grave,
ee oe the chorussed thundering groans once
‘ aad

New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

wwwx TTR

“Ha! A hundred b[...]d—forward all to ?

‘All in quest of foemen’s

They had cleft the foaming water,


New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (46)[...]der the Great Seal, exten
limits of the colony of New South Wales, and
Majesty’s Commission under the Royal
sign manual, appointing me
vernor of such part of the
s may be acquired in sovereignty in
New Zealand.

“JT have now to report that on the da[...]by your Excel-
lency and the Executive Council of New
South Wales were then read_and published
—the first announcing that Her Majesty's
authority had been asserted over British
subjects in New land ;_ the second,
aequainting the public that H[...]ent to acknowledge
as valid any titles to land in New Zealand
which are not derived from, or confirmed[...]The first proclamation i
Governor Hobson’s despatch nee
e [PRocLamatton.] i |
By His Excelle[...]itish ae
ements In progr i r
HES ote. ae gress in New Zealand,
“ Whereas Her Majesty Victori
the Unit[...]er Majesty’ssubjects who —
are ony settled in New ealpet or who
may hereafter resort hither, And wh[...]by which the former bound.
aries of the Colony of New South Wales are
so extended as to comprehend any part of
New Zealand that is or may be aired in
sovereignty by[...]e, William Hobson, Esq., Captain in Her
Majesty’s navy, to be Lieutenant-Governor 7
in and over any[...]of
islands in the Pacific Ocean commonly called :
New Zealand, and lying between the lati-
tude 34 degr[...]nd
Governor-in-Chief in and over the territory
of New South Wales and its dependencies, 2
and the Execu[...]l extending the boun-
daries of the Government of News subjects
to be aiding and assisting me in the exe[...]“ Lieutenant-Governor,
“ By His Excellency’s command,
“God Save[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (47)[...]onstrained to issue in regard to the

ings of the New Zealand Company's

meer Port Nicholson. Ina despatch in

erence to[...]in which M Eagar and
Co., the proprietors of the New Zealand Ad-
vertiser and Bay of Islands Gazette,[...]lonial Secretary,

» Shortland, that the Acts of New South

ales regarding the printing and publish-
i[...]ed at the


jam a



discretion of the Court[...]manifest, the Government of the British colon,
of New Zealand does not wish a free press,
while, on the[...]nation
These qualities will effect our triumph. I
New Zealand the Press must be to all
tents and purpos[...]ar and Co. ! ©
is satisfactory to learn that the New Zea
Advertiser and Bay of Islands Gazette[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (48)[...][FROM A CONTRIBUTOR,]

ong all the colonists of New Zealand few
AMON iy could say with the Inte Mr. S[...]collection. Half a century ago

make a charge of 1s, But the i

with indifference on such a eae
munic[...]dered that he had
to them must have seemed like a new world, made his escape, and would be able to lose[...]le difficulty at starting havi
hardly better than New Zealand cattle tracks 2 been overcome, in a manne[...]he line of’ wires at = William Black, of King’s Valley, ie
S 0Wn expense, on condition of adding 2 back, a mon[...]sending railway 2 healed.” Driven from: a a of
S free, for public messages he might 2 the A[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (49)[...]s Lord. hearkeved and heard, A few
‘earlier the New England Aa

0 at a mee
Hetty Bee Bed meeting, hel[...]ms by the great owners, who
eonsidered the tenant's vote as much the
Jandlord’s right as was the rent; and the
yote, of course, w[...]versity Tests in

/ '

New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

wa KN

1871 that the doors s[...]s impassioned protest against slave
William Knibb d[...]d is done for freedom, through the

broad earth’s aching breast,

Runs a thrill of joy prophetic tr[...], and an instinct beats
along, i

Round the earth's electric circle, the swift flash of

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (50)[...]d among others, by a young
officer of Her Majesty's Navy, who sat
as one of the judges, and wrote hom[...]ion was aroused which
resulted in Governor Eyre’s being brought to
trial. But the dead could[...]
New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (51)New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1896.


‘aaa t[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (52)[...]sehold. From February,
appointment as Governor of New
in 1888, he occupied the useful post
of Under-S ary of State for the Colonies
¢. the Administrat[...]d Carrington,
G.C.M.G., Governor of the colony of New
South Wales, Jharles Robert Oarrington,
third Bar[...]ffield, and succeeded
in ia Loftus as Governor of New South Wales
85. He is wealthy, possessed of broad[...],

Swatow. Lord Charles Scott was i
2 mand of H.M.s. Bacchante in 1881, al

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (53)[...]again vis' r a 2
tralia, when he married Miss Ada S a
Ry second daughter of Mc. Charles yan,
‘of Me[...]; +, F.R.GS.
Sir John Thurston, K,C. M.G., ,
F.L.S., Governor of Fiji, High on
sioner and Consul-Gen[...]family still live. The
earlier part of Sir John’s life was spent atse
chiefly in Kast Indian waters[...]d Derby (then Lo
Stanley) to act as Her Majesty’s Consul for
Fiji and Tonga, which post he occupied[...]ons. The following account
of Sir John Thurston’s subsequent career is
taken from the Colonial Offi[...]g and chiefs of Fiji, to confer
with Her pisicsty's commissioners as to the
annexation of the islands[...]was again nominated as special adviser to =


New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.


iefs in September, 1874, for
conferring with His Excel. 7
s Robinson as to the act of
cession }
General of th[...]ji from the 7
vember, 1880; ink
al duty connected
s to the Friendly
overnor of F October, 7
2 of the[...]sul-General for the West:
c, April to June, 1884; s' e
to England in connection with th ;
mission app[...]gest daughter of the
John Berry, Esq., of Albury, New 8
Wales, who, with her children, is now


New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (54)[...]paring
ho trouble or exertion to it a success.
hi s to the Jubilee celebration will
gratefully rememb[...]ce or we
Fleetwood, solicitor. In 1862 he came to
New Zealand, and having been seized with
the “yello[...]re had the management of Messrs.
Rees and Tyler’s business for several years
till they came[...]
New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (55)[...]r throats, which were burning
with thirst. Rewi’s resolve was taken. He
said: “We shall now have[...]d ohild

New Zealand to succeed Governor G

Sir George[...]lee festivi
rendered it necessary that he should

=n = Sanatorium to obtain iti

New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

awwwuwzaCN_. AA

e sent o[...]that post till 1845,
he was nominated Governor of New Zea
e arrived in November, 1845, when
Northern Wa[...]ssary t sapitulate it. Is itnot
the chronicles of New Zealand—Han

ities, but[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (56)[...]Not a empty panegyrie is the honour that we

7s firteral nation’s homage in our Jubilee
‘0-day |
To such’ fitly modelled eomen

praises sung, i Pineal

For their prowe-s when the cent with
it, were young “ot aie

Nor[...]mem'ry faileth, and our ngues
‘yea, for South’s sublimest music, sung ‘in poet's Ss aie tune y ‘h, tor


Clothed in se[...]is lordly swell ot voiced*mid these fate Meee
the s

The tr

At the marvels they have brought id.[...]en. came, and
Christian message bare,

And in God's vast open Temple prayed his soft
proemial prayer,[...]band,

Strode across the ocean wilderness to this new
Goshen land ;

From the rule of gallant Hobson, a[...]like to
shadows flit away!
For almost a mortal’s life-span barely sums a
nation's day ! ae }
Iwas a day of stern vicissitudes—now[...]and life:
with joy and pain, i i
Stained with War's blood-crimsoned girdle, graced
With beautcous Peace agai
‘tis Peace’s kind autoerac

reathings, strangely shot

a gentle sceptre’s

rts, O fair Zealandia, can glory in
of gath'r[...]|

The indomitable will which tamed the mountain's

uthern Queen we crown thee—thus pro-
shing signals, borne on light-

ning’s fi :
Down the range of ten times five of years, come
Hist'ry’s foremost things ;
Deeds and words alike immortal,[...]h Go.
liaths of the wood,

Till, ’mid vict'ry’s rending cheers, complete, a
splendid structure st[...]e their gleaming axes echoed through the
fore t’s breadth and length,

And like iron besoms[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (57)New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890. al


1 gg) ng iat gene[...]ll their brightest tale of progress, and a people's g Dot us orion and:pen, :
ee : To ‘erect a peerless model for[...]hill!
But our psion, 26) aun!
Scans then nation’s vast estate, untouched by city’s

ieee frevted heed of mighty strength, and
peed o[...]round the ramparts.
the isles, :

Like a mother’s am'rous murn’ring wlen her sine
infant smiles 5[...]sea | ,

Centre vigour in their sweetness as they s
athwart the lea ;

And the softness mellows fulle[...]g harmonies returning
through the skies, :

To ‘s wondrous Centre—God—angust, su-


Wh[...]tains’ ragged shoulders, through the
deep sea’s chartless bed ; '

Of the tameless waste of water[...]ems great with praise and gratitude, and
as ocean's tide.

Yen, ths pent-up voice of fifty years—it[...]e |
Yea, our march is ever onward, and the Future's
purple morn
Bids us rise to greater greatness—s[...]Look in gracious benediction down upon

Auckland, January 29, 1890[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (58)New Zealands Jubilee,





T, (1840.)
qiLpREN of England ! far fr[...]e drift when the foeman reeled
Under the cannon’s breath; fe
Or, laid at rest, when the people rejoice,
Inthe cathedral’s gloom,
Stirred by the swelling organ’s yoice,
It has wept o’er the hero’s tomb.

¢ now, on the wings of a sun-

‘And bro[...]year has softly died away.
And there was England's banner set
; siden years ago,
‘And, while it fl[...]thro’ the troubled years,
And kept it England’s still !
See! how each youthful cit
To celebr[...]ing their jubilant retort,
‘Pill far the city’s tumult fills
‘The land where many an answering[...]. ny fruits, the fruits they bore
When ttngland’s greatest Av gonaut
Lay anchored in the lonely sou[...]t and tutored hand,


rth, at last
Refote s in her J erty bg
nd casts her tribute full and
Before her bold deliverev's foun eet
Returns his gifts an hundredtold,
With w[...]’ pours him all her gold |


Our children’s Land! The Tand
A dreaded land ere we subdued vo a[...]heus sang again,
And Nature heard the Enchanter’s strain,
And stones moved to his minstrelsy.
W[...]re from the inlet, like a bitd of prey,
ar canae,
s of the fickle breeze,
Come the giant argosies—[...]r winds, and strangely nursed
Close to the planet's fiery breast,
She bears the impress of the[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (59)[...]ibernians; Mr. LeRoy, Good
ae Phi. Duthie, Seamen's Union ; | Mr. Niblock,
Federated Labourers.

AUCK[...]Umpire Sailing Races:
Mr J. Waymouth.

inant ai

New Zealand's pcre se oo


Starter Sailing[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (60)[...]essrs. E. W
Rowing Club ;
Jones, West

son and H. s.

gomery and 1
®, Henderson[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (61)New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

ranmurngunann imc


‘n[...]rles Scott, in command
oS. wn Bs, the Governor of New South Wales, th

i dron; His Excellency ng ‘ I[...]MS. Lizard. Lords Onslow and Carrington arrivet
M.S. fF

in Auckland on January 98th, and were accord[...]ken from he ver
complete reports published in the New Zuatanp Herat, will be found below,

Tun fétes p[...]bor
Board Offices were similarly adorned, whi
the New Zealand flag was gaily flying
the first time from[...]streets.
On all hands was to be seen the flag of
New Zealand on the flagstafis, and thos
who looked up[...]elt that after the
scenes of to-day we had made a new
departure—the first pulses of life in the
young[...]f the splendid appearance
of the men-of-war—H.M.s, Orlando, Opal,
and Ligard being elaborately dres[...]sociation Stores to Messrs. Cruickshal
and Co.’s warehouse, conspicuous in &
line being the Union[...]other line of flags”

hrown across from Firth’s old
to Mr. Gabriel Lewis’s auction - 109
and to Morrin and Co.’s (late H
nderson and Co.’s} chandlery premils
The flagstaff of the oria Arca[...]ing, one of the fla
having upon it the words ‘* New Zeal
Insurance Company,” while from the[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (62)first Day's Celebrations.


bunches of scarl[...]ixplayed flags, Perhaps the
facade of the Bank of New Ze
is about the most tastefully decorated.
Along[...]string of fla; ssed Queen-street
Morrin and Co.’s warehouses to the
Hotel. The Royal Standard
from[...]ewise taste-
fully deco! Messrs. Choyce and Co.’s
preinises displayed a flag, as also did
the Unite[...]splayed on one of the windsails of Par-
tington’s old windmill, Symonds-street,
which has been a la[...]No. 10: T. W.
Henderson, W.M.; J. McCammon, D.M.;
S. Harper, secretary; A. Johnston, trea-
surer. Ota[...]§
of Eden, No. 36: H. Sea!
W.M.; J. Nutt, DOM. ; s
tary, J. Patterson, treasurer.

True Blues, No. 4[...]5
Wheeler, N.G., F. Hune, N.G., Kawakawa ;
P.G.’s Birdsall, E. Morrison, MeG; yy
Fell, Falco[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (63)[...]bb,
G.C.R.J., Webley, treasurer, H. T. Garratt,
D.S. Court City of Auckland repre-
“sented. Court P[...]were present, also a number of ladies. ic


Auckland Band of Hop[...]girls dressed in white
being in one of Winstone’s vans drawn by
four horses, and 65 boys in a lifeboat on one

New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.[...]th the following
motto nspicnous: ‘* Water, God's Gift
to Man,” Why Not Abstain ?” “ Wine Ig[...]ruddy and bappy, and a good
secimen of “ Young New Zealand,” who m
they worthily represented. ‘T[...]he
most interesting features of the process
New Zealand Federated Seamen’s Union
40 members, The Union had a lifeboat or
a t[...]5
Bines. Hach of the members, as also of
Seamen’s Union, wore a rosette, the
white, and blue. The b[...]ter;
H. J. Ellis, secretary ; and the

of Craig’s trollies
The decorations of[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (64)First Day's Celebrations.

2. U0VGMVMTT]zVCO©1Ti(ioqiiiinnTi[...]welcome to their brethren
and to the colonists of New



Zealand. f
> procession was cl

d[...]uccessful gatheri

had resulted. It was. people’s celebration
with their own moneys, without an Gov[...]and Staff pon
Erson were also present in uniform. s a
No. 2 Garrison Band was in attenda
and a[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (65)ae

54 New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

equa nn

nieninnenirex[...]tralasian Squadron),
Lord Carrington (Governor of New
South Wales), Sir J. B. Thurston (Go-
yvernor of[...]Governor of this Colony, as part of Her Majesty’s
Goverfons... The life of this colony is almost co[...]one of the
com Tountifal and happy of Her Majesty's posses.
most lout the time of the proclamation of[...]onship with the native
in the Under Her Majesty’s beneficent rule we enjoy
Complete political freed[...]education is absolutely, freq
to all. Wn Ghild in New Zealand is permitted to be
to Mvithout the elemen[...]lson, Hon. Ls.) tat ETON, Mayor,

‘ ‘ eae 2 + s, Town Clerk,

Bebe Hislop (Minister of Education), Auckland, New Zealand, January 29, 1890.
Bishop and Mrs. Cowie, Captain Barlow
Commander of H.M.s. Orlando), Captain

mnquet (Commander of .M.s Opal),
Captain Trench (A.D.C. to Lord Carring-
to[...]ontains no word of welcome to.
you as Her Majesty's representative,
thought it would be more appropri[...]hom I shor
like to name. There is the Governor Of
New South Wales, the Governor of that
great. colony w[...]Always in Auckland—and Jam su
in every part of New Zealand—but 1 thir
especially here, we are alwa[...]St. cr crct St. George, Gove
jommander-in-Chief x
New ena ‘ief of the Colony of
ay it please Your Exc[...]e
ati anniversary of the foundation of the
ony of New Zealand, we, the Mayor and
5 Councillors, represe[...]on atrived at the Bay of Islands with
Her Majesty's commission as the First Lieutenant[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (66)First? Day's Celebrations.


Excellency, with t[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (67)56 New Zealand’s Jubilee, 1840-1890.

_NwsusininanAARUNNTRHN HNN w[...], but beautiful and
fertile part of Her Majesty’s dominions.
"The expression of loyalty to Her Majesty’s
throne and person, which this celebration
has evo[...]e of
the colony. (Cheers.) Referring to the
Mayor's expressions of gratitude to His
Pxcellency for de[...]ties of hospital
towards another of Her Majesty’s represer
tatives in Australia at the other end of[...]h divisibility
as was expected of the Governor of New
Zealand. (Laughter and prolonged cheers.)

: MESS[...]announcetnent :

“] have received Her Majesty’s commands
to offer congratulations to the people of
New Zealand on fiftieth year of prosperity

1 good go[...]message which T have
received from Her Majesty’s Government—

from the Secretary of State :—[...]ure to convey
ulations on behalf of Her Majesty’s
ent on the occasion of the fiftieth
ry of Her Majesty's acquisition of
of New Zealand.

orsHm tne Mayor then said
ceremony is con[...]from His Excellency Lord Carrington,
Governor of New Sonth Wales. (Cheers.)
Lorp CARRINGTON, on advanc[...]t by the people of Auckland
towards the colony of New South Wales, ©
with which it is my good fortune[...]tnight

nent in this happy country,

see that you New Zealanders, by your
industry, your frugali[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (68)First Day's

grazing grounds, your cornfields, and,

what is[...]g good prices ; and to your great credit,
100,000 New Zealanders (fora nation can
only count on one-sev[...]thanks for the compliments which
you have paid to New South Wales,
(Prolonged cheers.)

The Mayor then[...]Thurston (Gover-
nor of Fiji), for the Governor’s other guests
and for Lady Onslow and His Excelleney’s


Farrell (Grand Master of the
iety), pre[...]sion, being not only
the Jubilee of the colony of New Zealand, but the

Jubilee of the Orange Instit[...]land of our
idoption.—We are, Your Kxcellency’s faithful and

Joyal servants, (Signed on behalf o[...]a large crowd to
antly li, ir
ful ere ‘The New Zeal
made a ane) ieplay tae
as the nge Bui[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (69)58 New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

mann nna en Mo

on the[...]@
shield surrounded by flax plants bearing
divers s occupied the centre. This)
“Kia nui haere Akara[...]corated with ferns. At Messrs. J.
Upton and Co.’s was a_ transparency wit
the words “ Auckland Ju[...]ansparen
was very much admired, not only for its 6s


the verandah of the block, extending from
Mr, Wildman’s shop in Shortland street
to the back of the block[...]Queen street:
the South British Insurance Company's pre-
mises were nicely decorated. The windows
wer[...]e. On the opposite side of the
street the Bank of New Zealand made
an excellent display. There were thr[...]n of the centre one repre-
sented the corner of a New Zealand bank
note—namely, Maori. man and woman[...]up Lower Queen- work. The Auckland Working Men’s Cl
street. In Shortland street the Evening — ha[...]o ‘United We Stand.” ‘The A
pega i showed a New Yealand lake Hotel was decorated with over[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (70)[...]the British ship Canterbury and
Norwegian barque Orion, on board of which
both ‘Siptains MeMillan and[...], J. Hodgson, H. Rees

Néw Zealand’s Jubilee, 1840-1890.


THE AUCKLAND REGATTA.[...]andicap) : Ist prize,
£20; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £2 10s. Course: From 7
flagship round mark boat off Lake[...]buoy,
thence round hulk Clara Hargreaves,
Judge’s Bay, thence round mark boat o
Sugar Wor ‘Twice[...]rshall, Pres

dent Regatta Club, valued at £15 14s; 2nd

X rom flagship round mar

Takapuna, thence roun

hulk Clara Hargreaves, off Judge’s Bays

thence round mark boat off Sugar Wor[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (71)#

First Day'ss Bay, when the Matangi touched
the ground, and hun[...]the Colonial Insurance
Company, valued at £15 15s; 2nd, £15; 3rd
£3. Course: From flagship[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (72)62 New Zealana’s Jubilee, 1840-1890.

a (J. Logan), 20 feet; Surprise \e - 1s),
Spee ie neh Bailey, ee), 20 feet; Alice
ingi),[...]four tons and
under: Ist prize, £20; 2nd, £7 10s; 8rd,
£1 10s. Course: From flagship round
black (Kate) bnoy, R[...]gle ensued past the wharves for
place. The Opal’s galley of eight men, am
the Orlando's launch containing over 6
rowers, had a similar de[...]and spurting.
race finally resulted :—Orlando’s gig, 1; @
lando’s galley, 2; Opal’s galley, 3; ‘Orladl
launch, 4; Opal’s whaler, 5; Opal’s pi[...]h great vig6
throughout the contest. The Lizard’s ©
was allowed 11 seconds start, but gots
than fifth, the Opal winning ra

usily. The result wa Opal’s whaler,”
Orlando’s lst whaler, Orlando’s despal
boat_3; Orlando's 2nd whaler, 43 rt
gig, 5; Orlando’s marines’ whaler, 6, 7[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (73)First Day's

yn 00 MN CH

13th Race. — Men -or- war’ Curr[...]d. Shortly after this event started the
Orlando’s two cutters had slightly the lead,
and on the ret[...]very exciting race, the
jositions being :—I ’s cutter, 1; Or-
fando’s 2nd cutter, 2; Orlando’s Ist cutter,
3; Opal’s cutter, 4.
th Race.—Cuameron WHALEBOATS: Ist
pr[...]esolution, thence round
mark boats off St. Mary’s Point, finishing
at flagship.[...]backwash. Passing the Queen-
rf, the Waitemata’s, who were the
favourites, were heartily cheered b[...]a time, but
the le it was seen that
(the A.N.A.’s new boat)
this was maintained to the fi
(iene) being[...]flay
round steamer A +, thi
Senator, finishing at
Orion, Canterbury, Waime
first-rate race between the
the Orion. The Canterbury
get away, closely followed by
the run up the Canterbu
and rounded the Ar; ies
ahead of the Orion,
way astern. Pe x the
the Canterbu: con

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (74)64 New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.


‘Anderson, A. E. Why[...]Ponsonby was second. Waite
mata and St. George’s crew fought hard for
third place, and when the bu[...], 2.


tested against the St. George’s win, because
of eaundtas the wrong buoy, but itis[...]Railway Wharf round mark boats

~ off St. Mary’s Point, finishing off flagship.

ing Club; J. McDo[...]Conway, M. McLeod, Moore, steer-oar.
St. George’s Rowing Club: F. Jervis, E.[...]126 were on the winner, and th
dividend was £219s. Rataplan was the far
yourite. q[...]of the TakapunaJockey
Club was held to-day on the new race:
course. ‘The attendance was the largest
t[...]ce exceeding 25sovs. One mile.

Mr. B. Thompson’s br m Torment, 7st 41b

Nove Race of 20sovs. Wi[...]b. Five and a-half furlongs. f

Mr. B. Thompson’s br g Octopus (Carey)

Mr. J. Bass’ b g Badger (Neilly) J

Mr. H. Cunningham's b m Nosegay (Kat-
terns) kd bx ee ‘eh a

Mr. J.[...]d and thi

stmere was outpaced from the 81

Im. 15ss br m Fairy Queen, 7st ghts of hurdles. ‘Two miles. 4
(Lindsay) Mr, Robinson’s br g Vanguard, 951

Mr. J. Lowther’s ch g Rataplan, 7st 10lb
ig SS SS ama
Possum (8st[...]ns)... ie ee Ah ey ast
essrs. Russell and Black’s ch g Takapat
9st 5lb (Johnson)...
Mr. M. Hickey’s bg Lar
Miniman) ved wt ae = wt
Reeruit (10[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (75)First Day's Celebrations.


b), and Hero (9[...]nd all the horses jumped cleverly, and
Larrikin’s performance was a very me

torious one. There was[...]hey received the very handsome diy.
dend of £86 6s.

ZEALANDIA HaAnpicap, of 40sovs., Second
horse to receive 5sovs out of stakes. Five

Mr. J. Rae’s ch m Prudence, 6st 7b (8.
Cook) iin. ve. oe ne

Mr. R. Burke’s ch m Dolosa, 6st 71b (Man-


i bik h'Dekeum, 9st

Mr, W. Somerville’s

41b (Taylor) * :
Tupake (9st), Raglan (9st), Cap[...]d the first from the third, and the
time was Im. 9s. There was £588 on the
totalisator, of which onl[...]lbs extra. ne mile and a-

Mr, D. McKinnon’s blk ¢ Loch Ness, 6st
12lb (G. Reid) BE Le bas a

Mr. J. Kean’s br ¢ Montrose, 6st 101b
(Lindsay)... i oy e ee S

Mr. W. Bobbett's blk h Patchwork, 8st
db (A. Cook)... $3 Gs[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (76)[...]66 New Zealana’s Jubilee, 1840-1890.

H/T ATMNMMNNRN NNN[...]230 was
on the winner, and the dividend was £3 7s.

Setting Race of 30soys. Five furlongs.
Mr. B. Thompson’s b m Capella, 6st 71b[...]‘aylor) ... on. a ee so
Mr. B. Thompson’s ch m Leorina, 8st 6lb,
Mr. R
(Man ei, the[...]down the straight
resulted in a win for Musket’s son. Divi.
dend, £3 2s. {
Of course the fracas an[...]rd to the riding of Fergus and Johnson in

arke’s ch m Dolosa, 6st 7Ib,

ME a a[...]lechase could not be overlooked,
Mr. J. Miitond’s br g Blarney, 6st 7lb and the stewards held an et[...]e was taken, the following decision, w:
n:—That S. Fergus, the rider of R
cruit, be disqualified fo[...]he
bridle of Takapau.’” ¥

Mr. B. Thompson’s br g Octopus, 8st llb,

and 4b over (Carey) a: oe[...]6 furlongs.



puna Jockey Club, and Mr. Niccol, who i
t[...]evore, Rees George, R. Cameron, J. Mar-
shall, A. S. Russell, J. Coates, and Cap-
tain Anderso[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (77)First Day's Celebrations,



New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (78)68 New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

‘nv arm mac TE LL a[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (79)ATK HOT NN RMR

First Day's Celebration, =


Tue team Of cricketers from New South
Wales, whose, visit has been eagerly looked[...]arrived from
Sydney on Wednesday forenoon, by the s.s,
Arawata. As soon as the vessel reached
the wharf[...]shores,
Upon getting their luggage on shore, the
New South Welshmen, in company with a
number of local[...]z



To-pay was,

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (80)70 New Zealana’s Jubilee, 1840-1890.


SECOND DAY[...]ternoon
to witness the events of the second day’s
celebration, which consisted of a swimming[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (81)Second Day's Celebrations,


and a fin[...]Hope
Union. was held this evening, at St.
James’s Hall, Mr. E. Withy, M.H-R., oceu-
pied the chair,[...]rl Onslow, and to the
committee of the Jubilee of New Zealand at Auck-
land. hat is my word with respec[...]oria sent her mana and her favour to
ands, called New Zealand. ‘he proof
of Waitangi. “In my
time t[...]onga 49 years i
vance in prosbertyiaaay civil

as New Zealand done.
Governor, of our loyalt:


New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (82)[...]MMING CARNIVAL.

Turs portion of the second day’s Jubilee
rete wan amos pronounced success, and was[...]des, and all the
ledges of the basin to the water's edge being
literally packed with spectators, who[...]thy of
remark that Bailey, as well as last year’s
champion, W. Von Sturmer, was trained by
Prof. Pa[...]1; A, Goldwater, 2; P. J. Missen,

Boys Uxber 12, S50yds.—This race like all
the juvenile events wa[...]peted in this event, but though some very

New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

gifts were laid at His Excellency’sNew ZEALAND

—This was the event of the day; but, a[...]t away on even terms,
a long time it was anyone’s race, all keepin
well together, but towards the f[...]n by about a
couple of feet his time being 7m., 10s, HL dy
Bailey, 1; A. N. Duthie, 2; P. Madigan, 3.[...]and some pretty diving was_ exhibite
Nicholson’s clean’ style was much admin
but McLean was even[...]amely
tested, and the winner only secured
judge’s verdict by a coaple of yards, whi
the second and[...]mits were too long. Th
result was:—F. Hedges, 30s., 1; E. Jone
60s., 2; H. Brigham, 40s.,3. ‘Time, 2m.

Raroroncan Diving anp Sw[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (83)Second Day's Celebrations.

in oun eM eM inven ror
JueiLEE HAn[...]the home turn
the race resulted: F. J. Taylor, 50s., 1; A,
Goldwater, 50s., 2; H. Nicholson, 15s., 3.
Navan Race, ALt-comErs. — Six blue-
jacket[...]Ar Smith, 108, 9; Jo W: pretiy nee ne v
Gittos, 8s., 3. os ,
Boys’ Rack unpER 13.—This was a han[...]stroke, The whole c
The result was:—A. Upton, 10s,,1; H. N. fessor exhibiting a roll
Cossar, 10s., 2; H. Black, 88., 3. after ad hana
CITIZk Hanpr[...]progress,



a Ee ie the.
a2: AN. 1 ee
2 Gio S .Bottie’ fa
| Navan Rack, Orrror
i[...]inent citizens. Sir John and Lady Mesdames Bewes, S.
Thurston were also invited. The club was Burton,[...], Devore.
,,\‘ Patience ;” Valse, ‘t Love’s Golden Mrs. W. Earl.
;” valse, “La Murska;”[...]sche, “Prince Charlie ;”
Valse, ‘‘ Love’s Dreamlana;” polka, ‘ Le
Mandarin ;”[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (84)New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

remnuunni TKN
Messrs Das[...]. R. E, Isaacs.

ant SER too. Missca Puckey, F oo S. A. Joseph, Mr. Jones, Mr.

Jas (2), Peaco*ck,[...]i


Tne Jubilee meeting of the Auckla[...]d Carrington,
completed a beautiful effect. Hvery S Japtain Barlow (of “the O1
the care of t[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (85)[...]e-
regal party.” His Excellency the Governor
of New Zealand replied, and thanked the
i for their cour[...]s, the Club had placed in front of the
Governor’s box at the grand stand the royal
arms flanked by[...]and a-quarter.

Th. Out.

40— 73 Mr. R. Burke’s ch m Dolosa, 3

yrs, 7st 111b, by Leolinus—Lure

(Well) 3) ra ee

Second Day's Celebrations,


5l— 42 Mr, J[...]nd she held half-a-
Delia claee Anes aa
ers close s
the en Dolosa €
a. ]
the tae and a
and passing[...]linus mare, who
Time, 2m. ;
outside, £3 8s.
Hanpicar HurpL
horse to receive
eight flights of[...]y b
before Titoko:
had at ane
io Titokowaru’s jt
was vel sty!
in gran
was simply a

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (86)his opponents a chance, and he romped in an

76 New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

the rear, whipped in the field. ‘Time, 3m
50s. Dividends: Tnside, £3 98 6d; outside,
£3 5s.

Joventix Hanprear of 120sovs, second horse
to r[...]ix


f it.

Ja, OMe Mr, W. Somerville’s br £ Mary,

py Nordenfeldt—Frailty, 8st

: ah (hast h’s ch ¢ Leolantis, :
cae : ynch’s ch ¢ iS,
ee b Teolinus Atlantis, 6st 121b

: eee kt eae
72—105 Mg ¥, N. George’s ch f Miss
Cole, by King Cole — Tenam-
bra, 7st[...]... Sa sc baie
88— 60 Mr. E. C. Meysey-Thompson's b
f Souvenir, by Ingomar—Me-
mento, 7st SIb (Li[...]anning)... .., ae a
22— 39 Mr. James Carnegie’s b c Master
Pat, by King Cole—Kileen Al-
annah,[...]ran out of the cutting she held
nearly a length’s advantage of Miss Cole, Cam-
pria being close han[...]der, Time, Imin l7sec. Divi-
dends : Inside, £2 9s; outside, £3 1s.

JUBILEE Cur of 250sovs. Second horse to
receive[...]and a-half.

In. Out.
129—138 Mr. H. Harrison’s br h Raglan, by
Jap-a-pie — Tenambra 4yrs.,
7st 10lb (Katterns) —. a
338— 48 Me. B. Thompson’s ch m Leo-
rina, ae 6
yrs., 7st 12 indsay) a)
119—106 Mr. 'l’, Page’s br m Antelope, by
‘ Apremont—Miss Kate 6yrs.,
8st (Murphy) e. ad a
119—150 Mr. W. Sommerville’s br m
‘ Hilda, by Musket—Onida, 4
yrs., 8st 9b[...]sun ci

99—114 Mr. W. Bobbett’s blk h Pateh-~
work, by Piscator—Patch, 4 ~
yrs., 78t 10lb (Cook)... Ja

og— 42 Mr. C. Beresford’s ¢

lous, by Leoli

yrs., 6st 101b (Smit! it 5

6l— 47 Mr. J. Kean’s Montrose, b:
Ingomar—Dundee’s Katie,
yrs., 6st 71b (Priest)[...]y. Comj
nast the stand, Hilda held half |
ength’s advantage of Montrose, Pate
work, Antelope, Fabul[...]Time, 2m. 42s.’ Dividends: -
outside, £4 4s.

cond horse to receive 20sovs, am
horse 10sovs o[...]and a-half.

In. Out. ie
9— 74 Mr. N. Dickey’s ch g Reernit,
Day Dawn—Stella, aged, i
91b (Laing) vai EE
61— 81 Mr. J. Mellugh’s blk g¢ Mi
ger, aged, 10st 6lb (Collins)
. J. Rae’s b_g Oran
aged, 12s 4lb (Rae)
85—157 Mr. A. Ellingham’s b g
aged, 13st 4lb (Hickey)
132—199 Mess[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (87)Second Day's Celebrations,



fence two lengths in[...]ever, Recruit again
to draw away, and he held-ten
s advantage of Orangeman when the
reached, and the[...]own the hill, his name was on almost every-
one’s lips, and his victory was loudly pro-
claimed, bu[...]he 2 the race was
Inde, was third. “Time, 8m. 56s. Divi- | longs be ce
dends : Inside, £6 4s 6d; outside, £10 5s. length, pode
side, . a
Tixwa Hanpicap of[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (88)78 New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.



last ball. Youill hit Lusk’s first to leg fo
while Robinson hit him to long on for 2,
followed up by hitting the last for 3 to s
leg. Robinson drove Rees to long on fo
Neill mull[...]ll scored. Robinson
yretty forward cut off Lusk’s, first
oul cut Rees first for 1. Robinson plac
Re[...]d Lusk
the Hospital end. McClinchy drove §
son’s fourth along the carpet for 2, 4@
Youill lifted R[...]e
for 3. Youill lifted Rees to deep field, wht
Ha s make an attempt to catch witl
left hand and mulle[...]den over
‘A single was obtained by nh
n Neill’s next over, Cottam a]
to be much troubled by the
o[...]lonial match between | teams from
‘Auckland and New South Wales. The
weather in the early part of the[...]attractive batting form
was shown by most of the New South Wales
eleven, the hitting of Youill, Cottam[...], umpires. Robinson and Youill
appeared first for New South Wales. Between

‘two and three hun[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (89)Second Day's Celebrations,

At MA ‘HH Hore tO MCR

at half-p[...]—34, Joe Davis. then.

aptain, took McClinchy’s place, a Yates

applauded as he arnesred at the wicket. 2 New South

OL elly’s first ball’ of the next ove After the wii

Cowp[...]lett by the
The 110 was quickly followed Newell’s last
by tl . Davis got another three for
one of h[...]efore he could score, and the first = In Callaway's next over:
duck’s egg of the team had to be recorded, taken at slip[...]ot 1 by a nice drive off Rees, Lynch = safety, In New
elding well, and Callaway drove the left- 2 appla[...]9 followed ai
J. Shepherd took the Carlton player's two, and fed applause
Callaway obtained 2[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (90)80 New. Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

SOWWWw ITT HTN HMMA AHA vn o[...]o cut up a
Rees ‘ue 2B 15 72

it, Callaway’s bowling bumping a good deal,[...]one ball getting up a couple of feet over
Fowke’s head. Yates got two by a clean Bee ow a
drive off Newell owing to Cowper's slow N cil iL ae 3 7
return. Owing to the light g[...]Fowke, not out
‘A. Newell, c Fowke, b Rees = en
S. Callaway, c Gardiner, b Rees... ++ B Total for4[...]ras st ea asi: ea & Overs. M’dns. Runs. Wht
S. Callaway 18 9 1
Total ae Et ® Bs. .. 169[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (91)Third Day's Colabratesie, ee


THIRD DAY: JAN[...]e ; Mr, D,
, timekeeper; Messrs. J. B. Graham,
R. S. Reynolds, and E. Hodgson, handi-
capy The master[...], thence round
hulk Clara Hargreaves, off Judge’s Bay ;
thence round mark boat off Sugar Wor[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (92)>
2 New Zealand’s Jubilee, 1840-1890. ‘

LT TMMANNNONNNANENHK LAT[...]to finish, the race, however, as alre;

i. M.s. Time allowance,

had held a[...]roa Serene
lowed, aah separated by about a minute's Tsca, tee, le
distance, The lead gained by the Ma[...]nd Ponsonby.
two latter swamped shortly after the s
and both North Shoreand Waitemata shipy
alot of w[...]. M.
Brigham), had the use of the Permanent
Force's torpedo boat, while the judge (Mr. G.
8. pe was s[...]s.—Six crews—Wai-
temata, Hauraki, St. George's, Ponsonby, Bailey speedily distanced his o[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (93)Third Day's Celebrations,

PO ce cra AM

At this stage th[...]North Shore, was a contest between Paul
Tuhaere’s grand war canoe, manned by about
80 rowers[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (94)[...]W. Goldie, D. A. Hay, GC.
Hesketh, W. McIndoe, U.S. Macdonald, J,
Pain, W. J, Palmer, C. W. Sanders,[...]a
full vigced ship on a thoroughly characteristic
new Zealand coast. On the other end, over
the main en[...]ame
to transpire sent a fine collection of forty

New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

mmm cn[...]he manufacture was equal in finish to
imported to New Zealand, They
finished in Rockingham and y[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (95)86 New Zealand’s Jubilee, 1840-1890.


t prize, 10s; second, = Ponsonby, plate blackberries ; W. J. P[...]Collection or group, First prize, £1; second, 10s : ive seeds (Wildman's prize, sp: =f
. Stych, ist prize; Tom C. P. White[...]# ottery, pottery worl peight, ine
Bat prise, 1¢s : socond, bs: 3 W.Cruick- = fats made by native g[...]er Brothers, pot

‘Three Coleus, varieties. Fi
5s: J. Stych, Ist prize ; ‘Tom
Three Specimens. Fi[...]ties, First prize, 7s Gd: second, 2s 6d: J. Stych, 1st ware; Mr. Hamilton, model garde[...]by the followin

‘ollection Annual:

prize, 5s; second, 2s’ 6d: M is, Ist pi

| Cruickshank, 2nd; A. C. Li[...]Tom C. P. Whiteley, 1 : Parnell, donation of £1 1s; Messrs. Hammond
Maywood, 2nd ; W. Cruickshank, W[...]oal; Mr,

Wildman, stationer, Victoria Arcade, New
hank, 2nd; = jllustrated by Mr. Edward Wakefield.[...]. Stych.
‘Yea Roses, not le
prize, 58; second, 2s 6

than three varieties. First
rom C. P. Whiteley, Ist

ize; W. Harris, J

i Pepablias, double, s
second, 58: G

b ton, 2ud: J. Stych.

Dahlias, si[...]agnificent display of Indian weaving wi
or ade in New Zealand. © First prize, £15 Second, — exhibit[...]House, The work, whi
First prize, £1; second, 10s: Arthur Yates and all hand woven, is very beautif[...]ng rich and fine. There were table clo
CHILDREN’S BOUQUETS. and covers, and dress fronts for skirts[...]y of native —
under supervision, Kirst prize, 10s; second, 7s 6d ; is We ibit, in tl
third, 63: Mi-s Kate Sp-ight, 1st prize; Mise Mary tor, aoe ae di[...]es oe D3 Green, Symonds-strect, = British flag in New Zealand. Admi
ih. nell, seedlin; euber ee[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (96)Third Day's Celebrations,

H. Phillpot orches
% Wake'ty sion[...]e = ball the United
pleasantly tempered the sun’s rays. The pretty cut, and f
wicket played far bet[...]freel: scored 1 off the

for their scores. In the New Sout off Callaway. Fi
Wales second innings Robins[...]ibition of batting, hitting everything very 2 Way's next Fowke
cleanly, and Youill again demonstrated[...]en
very exciting,


As New South Wales’ eleven took the field

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (97)88 New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.


for 4, but in attempting[...]then Cottam drove scored nothing, when at 116 the New So
ees along the carpet for 5. The Sydney Wales s[...]MeClinchy jumped out at the At half-past four the New South Wales tean
same bowler, but, getting under[...]ame monotonous, four mai
Bey a wingle ond to Lask's aost over | lng tuine) tee ee Se
» 2 3 a obtaine[...]nd in and 10 appeared ‘on the board. MeCI
usk’s next got another single to square-leg. relieved N[...]and Yates drove
Runs came apace owing to Robinson's agency Clinchy’s first for 3 Kissling hit Cowpe
and 50 went up, At[...]Jallaway ised tek ea de
Cowper took his club mate's place and ing "tw et a third -¥: t Me
started th[...]ufeaey tenn tae several sim
took the Carltonite’s place, and was ap] baniled Gard BE a aa ie
ashe w[...]round tosquare- = the board. Walker took Cottam’s place

iri ae and enen pears: 1 back very[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (98)Third Day's Celebrations,


appealed for Fowke Ibw,[...]0 49 3
McClinchy 44 3 22 a
Cowper ~... 45 4 ij 3

New Sourw Waues.—Second Innings.
W. A. McClinchy, e[...]e, Ibw, Newell 1...
W. Stemson, b Newell

Extras 2s *

Sl wwceS¥

Total iz ee i es ie


New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (99)[...]ed in numbers that at any féte
reviously held in New Zealand. Looked at
rom a point on the low ground[...]tacle was a v impres-
sive one. The centre of the s
the beautiful green carpet of w
grass, at the out[...]about 3.15 p.m. His Excellency the Go-
vernor of New Zealand and party arrived at
the Domain gates. Th[...]n, D'Arcy and, Mrs. iGeahesn,
Captain Barlow (H.M.s, Orlando), Messrs.
Meysey-Thompson, Fitzgerald, a[...]2

New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890.

wun He A

ever, Te
> and watch

= he thank

= entered the ground without

= of H.M.s. Orland

= formances of both were re
ae :[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (100)Fourth Day's Celebrations,


A staff of police[...]purchased for theocca-
sion at atotal costof £7 4s. Whenthey trooped
on to ate es ee eel aes with
gr[...]gnment of Chinese 3. me %
crackers (costing £7 10s), and these were y
placed in the centre of the fi[...]time afterwards, G. Peviee eee heat fo
The day’s proceedings began at half-past 2 Started. Time, 114s. a
ten o'clock with the sports for men of the 150[...]2; R. J
100 Yarps Haypicar.—The starters were 54s. The second
—Purdy, Parsons, scratch; Me- = tes[...]Bailey, 1;
Harvey, 2; McLaughlin, 3.‘ ‘ime, 58s.
Hatr-mine Hanpicar.—McLaughlin, 20
yards; Bail[...]nd won easily, Bailey, 1; McLaugh-
i Time, 2m. 212s.

\DICAP.—There were post

WHEELBARROW Race,[...]s for this event, as follows :—Bailey,


New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (101)New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890,



latter held his own,[...]20 yards, 2; H. Short, 100
yards, 3. Time, 3m, 20s.
i) 8 —This was
for all-comers from the squa ,[...]), 2; Leach and
Sherman, 3.

Proressor Carrou.o’s Dispay.
hibition of dumbbell practice
to music, b[...]the halt took them by si
d the verdict. Orlando’s ma
pluejackets, No. 2, next m
ngth, and a good tu[...]a

hearty and lengthened applause. ‘
and Opal’s ac] et, a

Quarter-Mite Hanpicap.—This event ee[...]s of the
2310, W: Taylor, 30 yards, 3, ‘Time, 54s, n started, but Ashton fell in the
be 2 n[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (102)fourth Day's Ci elebrations,

strongly, and when two miles[...]0 yards, 3, Time, 1om agility and dexterity. t}
20s. Up at the very fet

1000 Yarns Race.—H. N. Gol[...]ty of witnessing it. “At the close of
the day’s sports the natives, who had heen
marched up late[...]he dance when they had coi HP aH
quered the enemy's pa and were victors. Rehearse:
This was a[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (103)[...]Chorns : Ha! ha! |
One voice ; My children, here's firmness.
Choris: Ha! ha! as
One yoice; Behold a[...]the
finish being as follows :—Tawera, 2h. 56m
30s., 1; Spray; 3h. 6m. 28s.,2; Juvarnia, 3h.
lim, 30s., 3. The Tawera therefore wins
the valuable cup p[...]was afterwards

New Zealana’s Jubilee, 1840-1890.[...]red for the
Caprera, 2h, 58m. 45s., 2
3; Laurina, 3h. 5m.

Turrp CLass Yacrrs.—Six craft answered
the starter’s signal, and were sent away on
even term The Manol[...]sult was: Manola, 3h. 33m.

pote atea, 3h, 34m. 21s.,2; Tangaroa, dh.
34m. 55s., 3; Isca, 3h. 40m, 30s., 4; Maia, 3h.
42m., 5.

passed by both the Chris[...]d. The order in which the
h. 54m., 1;

2h. 59m. 30s.,

to[...]45m.,2; Lita, 1h, 48m,
$3 May Queen, Th. Sim, '45s., 45° Many,

h. 52m., 5.

F[...]those which had to be re-contested., St

George’s, which won so easily on Regatta
did not co[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (104)LPourth Day’sNew Zealand. Greetings to you,—We, the chief[...]
New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (105)[...]96 New Zealand's Jubilee, 1840-1890. “ .
_UVM« « qO I; i uMiin[...]extended in a chair fashion,
The Maoris at Paul’s settlement weleomed —
their distinguished visit[...]elebrating the fiftieth year of her
dominion over New Zealand.”

‘After His Excellency’s reply, Tz WHEoRO
uttered some words of welcome, a[...]rty em-
barked in it to proceed to Paul Tuhaere’s
settlement at Orakei. The large canoe was
followe[...]nd extensive trade, is
Mr. W. Colenso, of Hawke’s Bay, inviting worse than preposterous. IT could s[...]Va. CoLENSO.

P.S.—Be very sure to send me an Am
land pape[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (106)[...]THE UNION |


New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (107)[...]ons
of Wonderful Natural Phenomena,


Maori Life[...]tography.

A New Series of Characteristic Portraits, Groups[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (108)[...]ST., AUCKLAND.
Sad A




88 AGENTS. 2s

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (109)[...]ite Post Office, SHORTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND
wn h


Illustrated and Deseviptive Cata[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (110)[...]ds the sole remaining copies of—

Gudgeon’s History of the War - - 12/6
Dr. Campbell’s Poenamo = - - - 4/-
Well’s History of Taranaki - - - 4/6
Dr. Maunsell’s Maori Grammar - - 3/6

Featon’s History of the Waikato War 2/6
Thomson’s Story of New Zealand (very
scarce), new copies - - E 25/-
Purchasers are advised to hurry[...]ive letterpress by Edwd. Wakefield, Esq. Price, 21s.
Posted in the Colony, 1s. 7d.; out, 3s. gd.
Auckland Office of Tr Korimaxo, the only newspaper in Maori
now published. 4s. per annum.
All colonists should have a copy of Vink's Forest Flora of New
Zealand, 12s. 6d.; postage, 1s. rod.
Tn preparation a Beautiful Book on New

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (111)[...]XIX




New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (112)[...]. NATHAN & 6O.,

Established 1840,-2+ $s AUCKLAN D, N.Z.

ae Es eOAo
Teas, Sugars, Tobacco, Cigars,
GROCERIES, + DRIED + FRU[...]don House, 6, Hamsell
Street, or to our Agents in New York.

Correspondence i in all Australian[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (113)[...]COMPANY, Limited.


Celebrated Doy’s Head Bottled Ale and Stout, from Bass and
Guinnes[...]O WOLFHS Aromatic Schnapps,

| JOHN HOPKINS & SON'S, Due de Montebello Champagne and Speyside Whisky.

R. BELL & COLS Wax Vestas (Agents for New Zealand),
EDINGTON ESTATES Sugars, Fiji.[...]O., American Cigarettes.

SIR ROBERT BURNETT & CO/S Bulk and Bottled Vinegar.
} F. HUEMANN & OO. of A[...]NS, Providence Rhode Island, Pain Killer.
ALLEN’S Lung Balsam.
BLANKENHEIM & NOLET, Rotterdam, Key Geneva.
MELLOR'S Celebrated Sauce.
U.S.A. Hop Bitters.
BRISTOL'S Sarsaparilla. *

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (114)[...]skemye ‘SLVH « XUIdNd:, pue
Reccivceres INDLVd Ss¥910H9 ONV “1s3a


« Q1VUFH,, JLIS0dd0)

1wzeen® ‘92,



New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (115)s
: a 7 ™ x ,
New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (116)[...]of
volumes each. Average value of each library, 30s.

4. Prizes and gifts on behalf of Work lads of 1[...]of reading matter t
isolated sawmills, workmen’s bush whares, etc.

7. The establishment of additional day-schools for young ildceny
the Holy Sériptures are read daily. (Note.—The ave[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (117)[...]? . 7 . SS Gay


fia Y
The Ps Morning Paper pub[...]ES & CO., 108, Broads MR. FH. B 1, FLEET STREET,

NEW 7 _ ® MR. W. M, WIS, 151, CANNON STREET,[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (118)[...]00,000. Money to Lend. =~

Mt, Roskill Agents for New Zealand In-” Loans negotigded in large orsmall[...]os
Town and Country. | tances sent monthly or “s erly,

, Confidential[...]

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (119)[...]article they offer is
superior to anything we
s have seenin thacalony”
“Mr. Nels[...]


Bagnall 993.02 New
<p>Full title on title page:&nbsp;New Zealand's jubilee, 1840-1890: the first fifty years of our[...]e colony: a wonderful record. Reprinted from 'The New Zealand Herald'.</p>
<p>Auction number st[...]
Auckland, New Zealand
Bagnall (New Zealand Research) Collection
New Zealand - Colonial History

Wilson and Horton, New Zealand's jubilee 1840—1890. Massey University Library, accessed 05/09/2024,

New Zealand&#039;s jubilee 1840&mdash;1890 (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.